During the Liberation Period immediately after World War II, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Jose N. Jovellanos, together with four Jesuit priests, founded the Tondo Parochial School in the site of the defunct Instituto de Mujeres, where the Manila Cathedral School is now located. Msgr. Jovellanos, being Parish Priest, became the first Director. Official classes began on July 2, 1945.
Four years after, the school site was transferred beside the Sto. Niño Church, where the Tondo Orphanage used to stand. Government Recognition for the complete elementary course was granted on February 22, 1951. The school became a corporation on October 23, 1954 under the name Holy Child Catholic School. In 1955, HCCS was granted government recognition for the complete secondary and kindergarten courses. By then she was able to graduate her first batch of high school students.
Most Rev. Amado H. Paulino, D.D., became the school’s second Director. It was during his term when HCCS celebrated her Ruby Jubilee.
Rev. Msgr. Pacifico Ma. Mendoza, who earlier served the school as Asst. Director for ten years, succeeded Bishop Paulino to become the school’s third Director. During his term, in 1995, HCCS had a grand celebration of her fiftieth year of service as a catholic educational institution. It was also during his time when HCCS reached the peak of her enrollment with 5,021 pupils/students.
The school’s fourth Director, Rev. Msgr. Manuel F. Sebastian, had the shortest term of only one school year (SY 19961997), but was able to accomplish much just like his predecessors.
Rev. Msgr. Emmanuel V. Suñga, the school’s fifth Director served the school for five school years (SY 1997-2002). He was succeeded by Rev. Fr. Enrique Y. Santos, the school’s sixth Director. He served the school for nine school years (SY 2002-2003 to SY 2010- 2011). It was during Fr. Santos’ term that HCCS celebrated her Diamond Anniversary with the theme ‘‘HCCS at 60... transforming lives through Quality Catholic Education” in February 2005.
Rev. Fr. Solomon A. Jardinero, became the school’s seventh School Director. He served the school from SY 2011 – 2012 to SY 2013 – 2014. His term saw the construction of a nine-storey building in preparation for the implementation of K to 12 program. More than just school improvements, learning educational facilities were enriched in order to enhance the curriculum. All classrooms were air conditioned and equipped with LCD screens. Aside from these, computerization of enrolment, admission and grading system was introduced. It was also during his administration that the Open High School Program, (OHSP) for out of school youth, started.
In an effort to respond to the changing global trends in education, the Archdiocese of Manila grouped the diocesan schools into different clusters with only one School Director and Asst. School Director. In May 2014, Rev. Fr. Nolan A. Que was appointed as the 8th School Director, while Fr. Nicanor A. Celiano became the Asst. School Director.
Rev. Fr. Nolan A. Que embraces the challenges of building the future of North Manila Schools together. He focuses on strengthening curriculum and instruction, improving existing educational facilities and making student services efficient and responsive. He also allocates funds to further assist deserving students who are financially-challenged. All of these made HCCS flourish academically and professionally while it continues to be committed to deliver excellent spiritual and academic services to the students, its employees, and to the community where it belongs. Also, during his administration, In February 2018, the school was granted PAASCU candidate status, and in June 2019, the school was accredited PAASCU Level 1 status.
Each administrator, teacher and personnel helped contribute in making what HCCS is today: a haven of information and formation for the total transformation of the students entrusted to her care, a beacon guiding the youth, a Catholic community aiming for excellent Catholic education that responds to the challenges of globalization and the technically-driven world.